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And yes wooden fence posts stuck in the ground do tend to leaf out and grow here, becoming a line of trees. Keep in mind CR is basically a rain-forest. We have been to Costa Rica now 3 times, at least a month each time, though on the second trip, and this one, we stayed in our preferred area, the East Coast From the Northern part at Tortuguero, not all that far South of Nicaragua down to the Panama border.
He saw the gold worn by the indigenous people and made an assumption. No w cocoa beans and coffee beans have value, but not directly as currency.
Although we hit a few snags related to this trip report, our third month of spending some winter time in the tropics was grand again and we can still recommend Costa Rica as a trip target for those who are nature lovers and appreciate very friendly people who value education, ecology, and family life. However, never take anyone with the least doubting of the theory of evolution to Costa Rica, as the range of wildlife will convince them the theory must certainly be a wild idea given the extraordinary range of wildlife found in this small nation alone, from wax tailed plant hoppers to the the flashes of sky iridescent blue flickering of the Blue Morpho along jungle trails, to say nothing of the Tapir looking like a small elephant short changed on the dishing out of prehensile trun ks.
However, if you get your share of Spider monkeys, and Howler Monkeys, both with very young, and the food stealing White Faced monkeys as well, you may end up only questioning how it was Darwin was able to jump so far from birds to the whole of existence beyond the inanimate with his interest mainly on bird migration at that…. During our first month in Costa Rica a few years back we spotted 39 Blue Morpho butterflies, the second month long trip provided us with yet another 39 sightings, though this trip came up short, with only 36 spotted in total.